Tomorrow: Week 1
Tomorrow: Living in a World of Uncertainty
This 4-week series addresses the perils and anxiety that comes with the uncertainty of our time. With the recent presidential election, Brexit, and constant threat of terrorism around the world, sometimes it's difficult
not to be afraid. This sermon series guide discusses what the Bible says about our apprehension regarding the future, and how we can trust an unchanging God
in a time of unpredictability. Diving into the topics of persecution and worry, this series encourages believers to remain faithful in uncertain times, trusting God’s heart and sovereignty based on the promises of His Word.
Week 1
Text: Isaiah 6:1-7
Topic: Sovereignty
Big Idea: During a time of uncertainty in his nation’s history, Isaiah was comforted by a vision of God on His throne. When we recognize God’s sovereign
rule over every facet of our world, we can have peace in spite of the turmoil around us.