Mary's Christmas Part 1

Dec 3, 2023    Pastor Jay Caron

Big Idea of the Series: This 4-week series follows the Gospels’ accounts of the first Christmas from Mary’s perspective, highlighting the ways her faithfulness to God’s call remains a model and challenge to believers today. 

The stories of Mary’s visit from the angel Gabriel and her assent to God’s unusual plan for her life, her visit to Elizabeth and her profound proclamation of God’s power, the visit from the Magi followed by the daring escape to Egypt, and her earliest experiences of the grief of her unique motherhood each contribute to the powerful witness of her life. 

PART 1- Topic(s): Courage, Faith, Submission 

Big Idea of the Message: Mary is a model of courage and faithfulness when she says yes to God’s dangerous plan. 

Application Point: Say yes to God’s plan, even if you’re afraid.