Meet the staff

Jay Caron

Senior Pastor
Favorite hobby:
I enjoy relaxing and watching movies at home.   I love the summertime, but when fall is here I am all about football!

Favorite food?
Anything made with a grill is fine by me. I love BBQ!

Why do you love being a part of our team?
I enjoy everyone's energy and passion.  I am honored to be part of leading our church and our amazing staff.  We are a family. I am greatly fulfilled by the ministry we get to be a part of.

Dave Richards

Music & Media Pastor
Favorite hobby:
Watching movies, studying the bible! Spending time with my family, and underwater basket weaving.

Favorite food?
CHEESE BURGERS! Nothin beats em!

Why do you love being a part of our team?
It's fun and it's with a purpose. We are all sold out to telling everyone about Jesus! I love people, and to help them grow  and to be their for them is my greatest honor.

Steven Henriquez

Youth Pastor
Favorite hobby: I love spending time  with my family and taking bike rides. Wait… does Netflix count too?

Favorite food? You can never go wrong with Pizza!

Why do you love being a part of our team?
Calvary Crossroads gives me the ability to be part of something so much bigger than myself. I love that we get to have fun while we impact our city for Jesus.

Shari Troxler

Office Manager
Favorite hobby: I love being with family. I enjoy being outside, watching football and fall is my favorite season!

Favorite food? Popcorn...yep!

Why do you love being a part of our team?
Our combined skills make a great team! I love being part of a team that great people with smiles and share Jesus in every way! 

Our Leaders

Annie Harris

Children's Director
Favorite hobby: I enjoy working outside.  I always have a couple projects going, and digging in the dirt and seeing things grow makes my heart happy.

Favorite food? Dessert!

Why do you love being a part of our team? 
There are a lot of great things to be a part of, but for me Awana is being a part of children choosing eternity.  I'm trying to grow The Kingdom of God when I share about Jesus during Awana!

Danna Marchmonte

Nursery Director
Favorite hobby:
I love domestic activities. Mostly DIY projects, cooking and baking.

Favorite food? Thai food is simply amazing!

Why do you love being a part of our team?
This is my family.  Sharing the same ideals is only the beginning. We help each other grow, serve God's people, and have a rad time together! There are always socials and ways to connect.